Anderson Travel and Tours

Medical Form – Motorcoach Tours

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Guest Name
(phone you will have with you on the tour)
“DO NOT” LIST YOUR SPOUSE OR PARTNER who will be traveling with you! This MUST be a contact who will not be on this tour/motorcoach!
(spouse, child, other relative, guardian, friend, etc.)
Emergency Contact's Address:
EXAMPLES: pacemaker, ostomy, asthma, diabetes-insulin, epilepsy, cancer, recent surgery, bleeding disorder, taking blood thinner, etc.
EXAMPLES: food allergies, drug allergies, latex allergy, other allergies, insect stings, or anything else that could cause an allergic reaction leading to anaphylactic shock.
Do you have a DNR (Do-not-resuscitate) Order?
(In case of emergency)
(look on the back of your insurance card)
NOTE: All required fields with a red asterisk beside them must be completed before this form will submit.