Anderson Travel and Tours

Cruise Credit Card Authorization

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Cardholder Name (as shown on card):


Billing Address


Card Type


Select suppliers in the sections that apply to this charge (cruise line, airline, transfer, hotel, travel insurance company).

Note: if airfare and travel insurance are already included in your cruise pacakge – DO NOT choose them to charge separately below. It will all be included in the charge to the cruise line.

CRUISE LINE: I authorize ANDERSON TRAVEL AND TOURS for the designated SUPPLIER (cruise line) selected below to charge my credit card above for agreed upon purchases. Designated SUPPLIER:
Authorization / Amount / Charge Date:
If you can’t find your reservation number, email us:
Unique Payment Circumstances:
Please charge my credit card for the following cruise payment:
*Leave blank if not making a cruise payment.
Charge on this date for the selected cruise supplier:


I authorize ANDERSON TRAVEL AND TOURS for the designated SUPPLIER(s) (airlines) selected below to charge my credit card above for agreed upon purchases. Designated SUPPLIER(s): (if air is included in your cruise package, you do not have to select a supplier)
Authorization / Amount / Charge Date:
Please charge my credit card for Airfare and/or Transfers (DO NOT select if air and transfers are included in your cruise package)
*Leave blank if not making an airfare or transfer payment.
Charge on this date for the selected Airline supplier:


I authorize ANDERSON TRAVEL AND TOURS for the designated SUPPLIER(s) (airlines) selected below to charge my credit card above for agreed upon purchases. Designated SUPPLIER(s): (if air is included in your cruise package, you do not have to select a supplier) (copy)
Authorization / Amount / Charge Date:
Please charge my credit card for Hotel or Hotel Package (DO NOT select if hotel, air and transfers are included in your cruise package)
*Leave blank if not making an airfare or transfer payment.
Charge on this date for the selected Hotel or Hotel Package supplier:


TRAVEL INSURANCE: I authorize ANDERSON TRAVEL AND TOURS for the designated SUPPLIER selected below to charge my credit card above for agreed upon purchases. Designated SUPPLIER: (if insurance is included in your cruise package you do not have to select a supplier)
Authorization / Amount / Charge Date:
Charge on this date for the selected Travel Insurance supplier:

_______SPECIAL SECTION _______

For Norwegian Cruise Line Only
NCL Cruise First Credit:
(SKIP this section if you are NOT purchasing a Credit)

If you are purchasing a Norwegian Cruise Line "Cruise First Credit", we will need your full name as it appears on your passport as well as your birthdate.

NCL Cruise First Credit amount:
NOTE: A Cruise First Credit can ONLY be applied to a reservation/cabin that matches the guest name on the credit. In order for a guest with a different reservation/cabin to use your credit, you must request a transfer to the other guest PRIOR to booking. Or, you may purchase a Cruise First credit for another guest in their name.
NCL Cruise First Credit Disclaimer: I understand that if I am purchasing a Cruise First Credit (CFC) from Norwegian Cruise Line: CFC(s)are Non-Refundable for cash, but may be transferred to another guest at no charge. In the event of a cancellation PRIOR to final payment, the cost of the CFC will be refunded back to the CFC to use on a different cruise. CFC(s) are valid for NEW reservations ONLY of 6 days (or longer) and do not expire. Voyage date must be more than 120 days from sailing. Not applicable towards canceled/rebooked reservations. If a guest with an existing reservation cancels and rebooks the same ship and sail date with a CFC, the additional value of the CFC will be removed. A limit of one CFC may be applied to a reservation (cabin). The guest's name on a reservation must match the name on the CFC. CFC(s) are not combinable with Cruise Next Credits or Sailaway categories.

— END of NCL Cruise First Credit section —


— Credit Card Disclaimers —
(you must read and click the checkbox for each)

I understand and agree: on the total cruise price, deposit amount, ship, destination, itinerary/details and terms/conditions as explained to me by ANDERSON TRAVEL AND TOURS and that ANDERSON TRAVEL AND TOURS is not responsible for any changes, errors, negligence or refund amounts/delays made by the designated TRAVEL SUPPLIER (cruise line).
I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for any charge-back dispute and/or non-payment to Credit Card Company or Issuing Financial Institution.
I understand that my deposit amount may be refundable until the date of final payment (refer to cruise documents). After final payment is made, a cancellation does not equal a refund and travel insurance must be filed with a valid claim. The cost of my travel insurance, cancellation fee and any items deemed non-refundable will not be refunded due to a cancellation.
I understand that ANDERSON TRAVEL AND TOURS charges a $75 cancellation fee per person if a cruise is cancelled after a first deposit is made and booking is completed. A $150 cancellation fee per person will apply after the final payment date. This fee will not be deducted from any refunded deposit amount from the TRAVEL SUPPLIER (cruise line) which will go back to my credit card. I will receive an invoice from Anderson Travel and Tours for the cancellation fee which is to be paid separately and directly to ANDERSON TRAVEL AND TOURS via check (no credit cards accepted for cancellation fees).
I understand that the TRAVEL SUPPLIER (cruise line) will require (during online check-in) a credit card to be on file for transactions made onboard the ship and that I may change this payment method on board the ship directly with the TRAVEL SUPPLIER (cruise line) at their guest services desk. ANDERSON TRAVEL AND TOURS is not responsible for disputes between me and my credit card company/issuing financial institution regarding holds or charges accrued directly with the TRAVEL SUPPLIER (cruise line), on board the ship or in a port destination.

— SIGN and DATE —

Print Name
Clear Signature
Use your mouse, touchscreen stylist, or touchpad to sign your name. “IT DOES NOT HAVE TO LOOK GOOD” Note: click the X in the right corner to clear and redo.

If this form won't submit or you don't get a confirmation, make sure you checked or completed each required field with an asterisk.

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