Anderson Travel and Tours

Register for Myrtle Beach Tour 2025

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Register for Tour:
Number of Guests:
Note: for comfort, we advise no more than 2 guests per room. Be aware that some hotels use double beds instead of queens.
Room Requests:
* NOTE: King beds and adjoining room requests are honored based on hotel supply and cannot be guaranteed at every hotel.
Note: This is a request and will be honored based on hotel supply. This is not a guarantee.
Accessible Room?
The ability to walk unassisted for several blocks at a time is required for this tour (on some uneven sidewalks and natural terrain). Guests must climb at least 7 stairs unassisted onto the motorcoach. Guests may not remain on the motorcoach at attractions. There is no guarantee that attractions, buildings, restaurants, restrooms, etc. will be accessible/ADA compliant.
Motion sickness is a possibility on a motorcoach. Guests must prepare with medication, sick bags, etc. There are no assigned seats on the motorcoach. The tour directors will have the first 2-3 seats in the front rows of the coach reserved. (no special seating in the front for motion sickness)
Guests will receive emails with invoices, updates and additional forms that must be completed prior to the tour. Anderson Travel and Tours does not print/mail paper forms. A final itinerary will be emailed that lists hotels approximately 3 to 4 weeks prior to the tour.
Note: Anderson Travel and Tours cannot send the final itinerary or give you hotel names or final routes until we receive the information from the tour operator. Once we receive this info (approx. 1 month out), we will send it out to the entire group.



Guest #1 Name:
* List your name as it appears on your Driver’s License. List how it appears on your Passport if tour leaves the U.S.
Guest #1 Address:
For tours including a military base or other government buildings, we are required to turn in each person’s Driver’s License number and birthdate prior to the trip.
Guest #1 Birthdate:
Guest #1 Special Needs:
Guest #1 Security Scan Needs:
We need to know anything that will set off a metal detector / security scanner or that requires special recognition prior to scanning. List details below if you have something not listed so we will know to alert security prior to entering a building, etc. with a scanner.
List any other details you feel we should know prior to the tour.


Guest #2 Name:
Name you want on your NAME TAG.
We need the cell phone for EACH GUEST that will be on the tour in case of emergencies. Do not just list your cell number here again!
Guest #2 Address:
For tours including a military base or other government buildings, we are required to turn in each person’s Driver’s License number and birthdate prior to the trip.
Guest #2 Birthdate:
Guest #2 Special Needs:
Guest #2 Security Scan Needs:
We need to know anything that will set off a metal detector / security scanner or that requires special recognition prior to scanning. List details below if you have something not listed so we will know to alert security prior to entering a building, etc. with a scanner.
List any other details you feel we should know prior to the tour.

Click the button to submit your form. (you should get a pop-up confirmation) If you can’t submit, make sure you didn’t skip a required question.