Anderson Travel and Tours

Credit Card Authorization Form (Miami 2024 Tour Hotel)

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— Cardholder Details —

Cardholder Name (as shown on card):
Billing Address

— Card Details —

Card Type

— Authorization —

Do you need an Accessible Hotel Room (mobility accessible)?

Fairfield Inn (Bessemer)

4980 Academy Court, Bessemer, AL 35022

Bessemer 2 Nights – (Jan 19-21)
Bessemer 1 Night – (Jan 20-21)
Bessemer 1 Night – (Jan 27-28)

Fairfield Inn (Fultondale)

1795 Morris Ave, Fultondale, AL 350682

Fultondale 2 Nights – (Jan 19-21)
Fultondale 1 Night – (Jan 20-21)
Fultondale 1 Night – (Jan 27-28)

Marriott Bonvoy Account # and other Notes

I authorize ANDERSON TRAVEL AND TOURS for the designated TRAVEL SUPPLIER selected below to charge my credit card above for agreed upon purchases.
I understand and agree on the total package price, destination, itinerary/details and terms/conditions as explained to me by ANDERSON TRAVEL AND TOURS. I understand and agree that ANDERSON TRAVEL AND TOURS is not responsible for any changes, errors, negligence or refund amounts/delays made by the designated TRAVEL SUPPLIERS.
I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for any charge-back dispute and/or non-payment to Credit Card Company or Issuing Financial Institution.
I understand that ANDERSON TRAVEL AND TOURS is not responsible for disputes between me and my credit card company/issuing financial institution regarding charges accrued directly with the TRAVEL SUPPLIER.
Print Name
Clear Signature
Use your mouse, touchscreen or touchpad with your finger to sign your name. “IT DOES NOT HAVE TO LOOK GOOD” Note: click the X in the right corner to clear your writing and redo.